Business Advice for Counsellors

7 Essentials for Your Counselling Website (plus Copywriting Tips)

By Simon @ Copy Champions

Are you a counsellor starting out in private practice? One of the first things on your to-do list is likely creating a professional website to showcase your services and attract clients. But what exactly should you include on your website and how can you ensure the copy is effective?

In this article, we'll cover the 7 essential elements every therapist website needs, along with some practical copywriting tips to make your content engaging and persuasive. By the end, you'll have a clear roadmap for creating a client-attracting online presence.

Female counselling client reads counselling website on laptop

1. Clear Unique Value Proposition and Positioning Statement

When a potential client lands on your website, they should immediately understand what you do, who you help, and why they should choose you. 

Your unique value proposition (UVP) is a concise statement that communicates the key benefit you provide and what sets you apart from other therapists.

Your positioning statement expands on this by clarifying your target audience and the specific outcomes you help them achieve. 

Make sure these key messages are prominently displayed on your home page and repeated throughout your site.

Female therapist shakes hand of her counselling client

2. Engaging Bio That Builds Know, Like and Trust

Your about page is one of the most visited pages on your site, so it's important to craft an engaging bio that helps potential clients feel connected to you. 

Rather than just listing your credentials, share your story, your motivation for becoming a therapist, and your approach to helping clients.

Use a warm and friendly tone, almost like you're having a conversation with the reader. 

Include some personal details and even a touch of humour to make you relatable and likeable.

Close up of desk with blue and yellow speech bubbles stating BUSINESS OVERVIEW

3. Overview of Your Counselling Approach and Areas of Specialisation

Clients want to know what type of therapy you offer and your areas of expertise. 

Provide an overview of your counselling approach and explain how you typically work with clients and what they can expect from the therapy process.

Also highlight your specialisations, such as working with anxiety, depression, relationships, or trauma. 

The more specific you can be about who you help and the issues you address, the more likely you are to attract your ideal clients.

Close up of a counselling diploma with graduation confetti against a pink background

4. Your Qualifications, Experience and Professional Membership

While your bio touches on your background, it's important to have a dedicated page that goes into more detail about your qualifications, years of experience, and any professional memberships or registrations. 

This helps build trust and credibility, showing that you are a qualified professional.

List out your degrees, diplomas and certifications, as well as any additional training you've completed. 

Mention the number of years you've been practising and share some of the settings you've worked in such as agencies, schools, hospitals or group practices.

Female counsellor stands smiling in her counselling room

5. Warm and Welcoming Photos of Yourself and Your Counselling Space

Photos play a big role in creating a positive first impression and helping potential clients feel comfortable reaching out. 

Include professional, friendly headshots of yourself that convey warmth and approachability.

It's also a good idea to have photos of your counselling room to give clients a sense of your space. 

Make sure the photos are high quality and well-lit. If you offer online therapy, include a photo that shows your video setup to reassure clients that you have a professional virtual counselling space.

Close up of wooden blocks showing 5 star review. Testimonial for a counselling service.

6. Testimonials and Success Stories from Past Clients

Social proof is a powerful way to build trust and credibility. Include testimonials from past clients sharing their positive experiences and the outcomes they achieved through working with you.

If you have any detailed success stories or case studies (with the client's permission of course), consider featuring these as well.

These stories help potential clients envision what's possible for them and make the benefits of therapy feel more tangible.

Close up of a red vintage telephone receiver and cord.

7. Obvious Calls-to-Action and Contact Details

Finally, make it easy for potential clients to take the next step and contact you. Have clear call-to-action buttons throughout your site inviting visitors to book a consultation or send an enquiry.

Your contact details, including your phone number and email address, should be easy to find on every page.

You may also want to include a contact form to make reaching out even easier. 

And if you have an online booking system, make sure this is integrated into your site for a seamless client experience.

Copywriting Tips

Now that you know what elements to include, here are some copywriting tips to make your website content compelling and effective:

  1. Write in a warm, empathetic and conversational tone. Imagine you're speaking directly to your ideal client and aim to build a connection through your words.

  2. Focus on the benefits and transformations you provide, not just the features of your services. Paint a picture of what's possible and the positive outcomes clients can expect.

  3. Tell stories and use examples to illustrate your points. Stories are powerful for creating an emotional connection and making your message more memorable.

  4. Use short paragraphs, bullet points and clear headings to break up the text and make it easy to read. Most people scan web pages, so make your content skimmable.

  5. Include keywords your ideal clients may be searching for, such as "anxiety counselling" or "relationship therapy". This helps your site show up in search results.

  6. Have a strong call-to-action on every page, guiding visitors to take the next step. Use action-oriented language like "Book a consultation" or "Send me a message".

  7. Proofread thoroughly and ask for feedback from colleagues or ideal clients. Small typos or confusing phrases can undermine your credibility, so aim for a polished final copy.

Close up of a bronze dart in bullseye position

Your counselling website is often the first point of contact with potential clients, so it's worth investing time to create a site that reflects your professionalism and builds trust. 

By including these 7 essential elements and following the copywriting best practices, you'll be well on your way to attracting more of your ideal clients.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of writing your own copy, consider working with a professional copywriter who specialises in helping therapists. 

They can help you clarify your message, capture your unique voice, and create compelling content that converts.

For help with marketing and copy writing contact Simon over at Copy Champions

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